Thrive Solo: Master Shopify Support & Keep Sane!

All I thought was 'wow, I can do this forever!'—Here's how I mastered 1:1 customer support!

Yellow Flower

Charles Password

Apr 29, 2024

The Intersection of Solo Support and Entrepreneurial Well-Being

As the creator and, for over two years, sole operator of Cowlendar, a Shopify app designed to streamline the online retail calendar, I embarked on a journey that was as rewarding as it was demanding. Over the past two years, the relentless pursuit of providing top-tier customer support while managing all facets of the business has been a formidable endeavor that has profoundly impacted my mental well-being.

In the beginning, the excitement of launching Cowlendar fueled my drive! I remember waking up every day with so much energy that all I could think was, "Wow, I can do this forever!" and I was more than willing to put in back-to-back 16-hour shifts to ensure every customer query was addressed with care and precision. The thrill of watching my app gain traction in the Shopify ecosystem was exhilarating. Yet, as time wore on, I learned the hard way that it's about finding a long-term sustainable support plan as the continuous grind began to take its toll.

Sundays blurred into weekdays, and the concept of a weekend became a distant memory. The relentless cycle of support tickets, product updates, and customer interactions left little room for pause, reflection, or rest. I was caught in a whirlwind of entrepreneurial responsibility that, unknown to me, was quietly eroding my mental health and well-being.

The Unique Struggles of Solo Shopify Support and Entrepreneurship

Embarking on the entrepreneurial voyage with Cowlendar, my Shopify app, I quickly encountered the realities of solo entrepreneurship. While the idea of independent success is alluring, the actual experience is often laced with unforeseen challenges that can test even the most resilient spirits. Providing solo Shopify support is a prime example of these trials.

The struggle with entrepreneurial loneliness is a huge issue for solo entrepreneurs like me. It quietly manifests as the initial excitement of independence (yayyy i can do this all alone everyday all day…) is overshadowed by the isolation that comes with running a one-person show. My commitment to addressing each customer inquiry with a personal touch, though rewarding, gradually became a solitary endeavor.

Here are some specific challenges I faced:

  • Isolation in Decision Making

  • Absence of Work Life Balance

  • Mental Health Risks

Despite these challenges, the current landscape of remote work offers unprecedented opportunities for solo entrepreneurs to find support and connection. This is where i started turning to more online community interactions and taking time to build relationships in a position where sometimes it seemed impossible to.

This post on X (aka twitter haha)…

Lead to…

In an effort to address these struggles, I turned to the words of Maya Angelou, who said, "We need joy as we need air. We need love as we need water. We need each other as we need the earth we share." Inspired by this, I began seeking out strategies to maintain my well-being while managing Cowlendar. Toothless has been the most impactful part of this entire journay and without her Cowlendar would not be where it is :)

Self-Care Strategies for Busy Solo Shopify Support Agents

The relentless pace of managing a solo Shopify business can leave little time for self-care. However, as the driving force behind Cowlendar, I learned that neglecting my well-being could lead to a decline in both my health and the quality of my customer support. Self-care is not a luxury; it's a critical component of a successful solo operation.

Here are self-care strategies that have proven effective for me and many other entrepreneurs:

  • Mindful Breathing Taking short breaks to practice deep breathing can help manage stress and refocus. The American Institute of Stress advocates for deep breathing as a "super stress buster" due to its calming effect on the nervous system. Balance App is amazing for this. I have recently started after reading this LinkedIn post from Erin Walker who hit streak of 365 on the app! She literally states sometimes it was only with "3 minutes to spare".. this shows all we need is to take atleast a few minutes out of our day to breath/relax for a total of 45 hours a year.

  • Regular Exercise: Incorporating physical activity into your daily routine can significantly improve mental health and this has been proven with research. The Mayo Clinic reports that "Physical activity increases the production of endorphins, known as the brain's feel-good neurotransmitters.". I personally started following my good friend Paulo Morantes free Workout Plan (Aka Chief Cut's). Hugeee difference in my daily mood is all im going to say in this article.

  • Quality Sleep: Prioritizing sleep is essential for cognitive function and mood regulation. I did not realize the importance of this until late in my journay. Once i built a support team i was able to get a genuine 8 hours of deep sleep (NREM state 3)

  • Nutrition: Wow instantpots is a life changing investment. switching to meal preps and clean eating drastically improved my mood. Whoever said that eatting health means eatting flavour less food never cooked in there life.. Eating a balanced diet fuels both body and mind, enhancing energy levels and concentration. Harvard Medical School highlights that "Good eating habits can help prevent fatigue and protect your immune system."

  • Social Interactions: Sorry i cannot as im really busy…" was my favorite phrase for the last two years. This was until i realized that making time for friends and family can provide emotional support and reduce stress. A study in the journal PLOS ONE indicates that "Social interactions can lower stress levels and contribute to overall well-being."

By integrating these self-care strategies into my life, I was able to enhance my well-being and continue to provide the high-quality support that Cowlendar's customers expect. As solo Shopify support agents, we must remember that taking care of ourselves is the first step toward taking care of our business.

Good luck out there and stay sane :) Bye for now!

Charles Password

Penida CEO

Solopreneur co-founded a top Shopify apps studio with over 42k users—An innovator with a knack for engaging e-commerce solutions.