Mastering Customer Support on Your Shopify Website with a Small Team

Jan 12, 2022

As the internet continues to develop and grow exponentially, jobs related to the

Purple Flower

I Waved The White Flag..

If you read my last article you may remember me as the person who ran support solo for over 15,000 conversations…

As an online store or app grows, so does the influx of customer service emails, each one representing an opportunity to solidify customer relationships and stand out in a crowded marketplace.|

Well 1200+ 5-star reviews later I eventually waved the white flag and enough was enough.. i called in the calvary.

The following topics will be covered:

  • Importance of customer support in Ecommerce

  • Choosing the Right support tools for Your Team

  • Creating a Customer Support Strategy

  • Staffing for Live Chat

  • Team building

By the end of this article, you'll be equipped with actionable insights and practical tips to handle customer support for your Shopify website effectively, even if you're a small team. Let's enhance your customer support and turn challenges into opportunities for growth.

Understanding the importance of Customer Support in Ecommerce

Here is the thing.. Personally i cannot STAND automated chat support… It drives me crazy when there is no option to talk to a real person. Hence why i ran customer support 1:1 instead of implementing bots.

Delivering exceptional customer experiences has quantifiable value, as evidenced by a Harvard Business Review study which found that customers with the best past experiences spend 140% more than those with poor experiences, and in subscription-based models, satisfied members are likely to renew for an average of six years longer than dissatisfied ones.

A customer's interaction with your support team can leave a lasting impression. Positive experiences can turn first-time buyers into repeat customers, while negative ones can drive them away for good. Understanding that every support interaction is an opportunity to reinforce your brand's values and commitment to customer care is crucial.

Long-Term Value of Customer Support

Exceptional support services can increase customer retention rates, word-of-mouth referrals, and a healthier bottom line. Focusing on quality support can be a strategic move for small teams that compensate for a smaller marketing budget, leveraging satisfied customers as brand ambassadors.

By recognizing the critical role customer support plays in the success of your e-commerce store, you can begin crafting strategies that prioritize effective communication and problem-solving, setting the stage for a thriving online presence.

The importance of customer service in ecommerce

Choosing the Right Support Tools for Your Team

Selecting the appropriate customer support tools can significantly enhance your team's efficiency and the quality of service you provide. For small teams, it's essential to have a suite of tools that are powerful yet manageable.

Essential Customer Support Tools

At the core, your Shopify app or store should be equipped with a reliable Customer Relationship Management (CRM) system. This central hub will store all customer interactions, valuable data, and preferences, enabling personalized and informed support.

CRM Benefits

A CRM tool does more than just organize customer information. It can provide valuable insights into customer behavior, streamline communication across multiple channels, and automate routine tasks, freeing up your team to focus on more complex customer issues.

When evaluating tools, weigh the pros and cons in the context of your small team's size, workload, and the level of personalization you want to achieve in customer interactions. The right combination of tools will not only empower your team but also provide a seamless experience for your customers.

For each conversation i always had the following data automatically pulled into Crisp from Shopify. This included the plan they were subscribed to, quick links to help speed to support time, and more

CRM Integration for Shopify

Creating a Customer Support Strategy

A well-crafted customer support strategy is your blueprint for delivering consistently excellent service, particularly when resources are limited. For small teams, having a clear plan in place ensures that every team member knows their role and how to execute it effectively.

Developing a Support Plan

Start by defining your customer support goals and the level of service you aim to provide. Consider your team's capacity and how you can use automation or predefined responses to handle common queries. Establish protocols for escalating issues and set benchmarks for response times and resolution rates.

Managing Customer Problems

Anticipate the types of issues your customers might face and develop a knowledge base or FAQ section that addresses these. This not only helps customers find answers quickly but also reduces the volume of inquiries your team needs to handle directly

Consistency Across All Interactions

I expected everyone to "Be Leo" when talking to customers. The only way to do that was by being a great role model and showing by example. This meant still running support 1:1 for an additional month just so that everyone knows what type of service i expect.

Ensure that your team provides a unified customer experience by standardizing responses and maintaining a consistent tone and voice that reflects your brand. Regularly review customer interactions for quality assurance and to identify areas for improvement.

With a solid customer support strategy, your small team can operate with the efficiency and effectiveness of a larger operation, ensuring that every customer feels valued and supported.

Developing a customer support strategy

Creative Training Solutions for Live Chat Staffing

Staffing for live chat can be a complex puzzle, particularly for small businesses or solo entrepreneurs looking to scale their operations. It's not just about finding the right people; it's about equipping them with the knowledge and tools they need to succeed.

Here is how i created live chat training creative and fun allowing me to build a team that delivers excellent customer service while maintaining everyones sanity

Leveraging Virtual Offices for Interactive Training

The use of virtual offices, like those provided by Zero-Employee Platform (ZEP), can revolutionize how you train your live chat staff. By creating a digital space that mimics the interactions of a physical office, training becomes more engaging and memorable.

The metaverse is revolutionizing work culture by providing a platform for enhanced collaboration and remote training, as evidenced by its rapid embrace during the global pandemic when remote work spiked from 20% to 70%. Companies like MGM Resorts are leveraging the metaverse for practical job training simulations, indicating a significant shift towards virtual work environments that promise efficiency and a better user experience.

ZEP Explained

Cross-Training for Flexibility and Coverage

By cross-training your team members in different business areas, including customer support, you create a versatile workforce. This strategy not only prepares your team to handle a variety of customer inquiries but also fosters a deeper understanding of the business as a whole. In busy periods or unexpected spikes in chat volume, a cross-trained team can adapt quickly and maintain a high level of service.

I was able to successfully train our newest team members by building a "Training plan" that involved powerpoints, live chat simulations and Q&A sessions.

- Benefits of virtual office training

- Cross-training advantages for team flexibility

- Tips for integrating part-time and virtual assistants

- Example of a virtual office setup for training

- Gamification elements that can be included in live chat training

- [Zero-Employee Platform (ZEP)](

- [Gamification in Training](

By considering creative staffing solutions, your small team can offer live chat support that is both efficient and effective, ensuring that customers always have access to the help they need.

Virtual assistants for customer support
